Dear "RUG"ged Man,
I wanted to let you and others know my story. A little while ago, I was feeling overwhelmed with everything around me. But, with all this activity, my life was boring! I lacked the energy, the self assurance and of course the drive to make a difference. I was simply getting tired with my life.
I had tried all those self improvement fads such as aroma therapy, chiropractors, doctors, surgeons and religion . But nothing helped until I saw your commercial for the "RUG"ged man! I quickly ordered an advanced hair system and I have to say, it changed my life instantly. People now eagerly greeted me. Women revered in my new found appearance and attitude. I was happier and more active than have ever been. But more importantly, I found a new sense of self confidence. Now, I can't imagine a more exciting life! Thanks, "RUG"ged Man!
Ken X.